Family Friendly Employment Rights

There are many employment rights that come under the banner of ‘family friendly’.

These are generally rights associated with time off for matters relating to dependents (children or other dependents) or where an employee may be caring for someone or related to flexible working. Current rights include:

For a summary of the time off, payments and rights relating to each of the above visit and the family friendly summary.

Family Friendly rights are set out in legislation

Family Friendly rights are set out in legislation and there are clear procedures to be followed.  It is advisable to have policies and procedures around family friendly so that employees are clear about what they are entitled to and any procedures they need to follow. For most rights employees need to make a formal application or notify you of important dates.

Next Steps and Further Reading

There are step by step instructions about all the family friendly right, as well as template policy documents, letters and any application forms available on

You can sign up for a FREE account and get (limited) access to guidance and templates and receive email updates about changes in employment law as they happen. Just visit (please note that some content is restricted to Premium members only).

1. Maternity Leave

2. Shared Parental Leave

3. Adoption Leave

4. Paternity Leave

5. Parental Leave

6. Time off for Dependants

7. Flexible Working

8. Parental Bereavement Leave

9. Antenatal and Adoption Appointments

10. Carers Leave
11. Family Friendly – Statutory Pay

Case Study – Dependents Leave?

Case Study – Maternity

Templates & Downloads

If you need assistance with any aspects of your HR, we’d be happy to help. Contact us on 01702 216573 or [email protected]


Need some advice on this matter?

If you need advice or guidance on the subject matter outlined in the above item, or any other employment matter, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.