A grievance is when an employee raises a complaint or issue with their employer.
Often this is done informally, and the word ‘grievance’ is not used, and matters are resolved informally.
However, an employee can raise a formal grievance and there are procedures that need to be followed in managing any grievance.
It is a legal requirement to have a written grievance procedure so that employees know how and to whom they should raise a formal grievance and how it will be dealt with.
Often a formal grievance will require some investigation to be carried out and for formal meetings to be held.
Employees also have the right to be accompanied at any formal grievance meetings.
Use the links below to read more about the grievance procedure and for templates letters. You can also read guidance on where an employee raises a grievance after being invited to a formal disciplinary meeting!
You can sign up for a FREE account and get (limited) access to guidance and templates and receive email updates about changes in employment law as they happen. Just visit https://yourhr.guide/ (please note that some content is restricted to Premium members only).
5. A Grievance after Employment
6. Questions to Ask at a Grievance Meeting
If you need assistance with any aspects of your HR, we’d be happy to help. Contact us on 01702 216573 or [email protected]